Did you miss the Bootcamps?
Dont Worry You Can Still Compete!
Thanks for Registering for the OCOE $1,000 Mobile App Contest
brought to you by CNRP, the City of Tallahassee and Sustainable Tallahassee.
Our latest project, Our Community Our Environment: Engaging Youth to Link the Environment and Information Technology (OCOE) promises to deliver another great experience for Tallahassee youth.
You will learn to create mobile apps for yourself using an easy to use web creation software (discussed in the boot camp). We hope you will continue to use this resource to make great apps for yourself and the world.
We will be preparing you to be leaders in your community with knowledge of saving energy and using the great natural resources available to us.
The best projects will win a laptop, an iPad or even the grand prize of $1,000!

Click the Play Buttons to listen to instructions on building your app!
Online Bootcamp Part 1
Online Bootcamp Part 2

Update 3/1/14!!! You can now create your app on any subject you choose!!!!!
Simply decide and create using Appsbar! (instructions below)
appsbar.com is the app maker that allows anyone and everyone to enter the mobile market. Until now individuals and companies had to spend thousands of dollars and months of their time to create a mobile app to market their businesses and interests. The appsbar free app builder allows you to create a highly customized smartphone app with no experience necessary and no coding knowledge. The only requirement for creating an app is to sign up for free and input your information. It is beyond easy and that is why more than 125,000 people whom never believed they would have been able to afford an app, not only have one, but created it themselves.
When you have completed your app email a link to info@ocoe.us
The app deadline is Monday, March 24th at 8pm!
(Apps received after 8pm Monday
may not be considered for the competition)
If you have not REGISTERED
To register please click HERE
Click the picture to learn more about building your app!